Today I needed to patch a SP farm. And all I got from the dispatcher was, well it is a SharePoint farm… Here is my story on a nice solution, for Geeks?
First I ran PowerShell to determine Major version (2013 or 2010):
$ver = (Get-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell).Version.Major
If ($ver -eq "15" )
Write-Output "SharePoint 2013 Wopi is in the system"
elseif ($ver -eq "14")
Write-Output "SharePoint 2010 still hanging in there"
Write-Output "No SharePoint or old SP may the Force be with U"
ANSWER: “SharePoint 2010 is still hanging in there”
Now it is time to identify the Build version:
Finally jump over to Todd Klindt’s SharePoint Admin Blog
for complete Buildnumber and also downloadable links. Thanks Todd! 🙂